Serbian Blue Tiger Stripe: A Brief History Lesson

Serbian Blue Tiger Stripe: A Brief History Lesson

Derived from Greek Lizard camo, Serbian Blue Tiger Stripe has undeniable sex appeal but comes with a dark past, like Robert Downey Jr.

Originally issued in 1992 by the then Yugoslav Police and Milicija (militia), it saw use throughout the Balkans by a wide variety of Serbian units including gray-hat paramilitaries like Arkan's Tigers (shown below on a recruitment poster/sick album cover photo shoot), many of which have been convicted of heinous crimes against humanity.

  "Special Purpose Units" like these guys went on to become the backbone of separatist armed forces in places like Slovenia and Croatia (guess you can thank them for Game of Thrones)

Blue Tiger Stripe was the camo of choice for many counter-insurgency operations during the Balkan Wars - it was widely used in the conflict in Kosovo, beginning with the insurgency from 1995, and throughout the Kosovo War from 1998 - 1999.

The Kosovo War was particularly brutal, with "all parties involved" committing "grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions" and "numerous war crimes" to the point that it gained international attention and sanctions. Despite lasting only 15 months it created one of the worst humanitarian crises in modern European history. The war ended with the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (which has also been called a war crime due to the civilian death toll), and ultimately a UN-led occupation that persists to this day.

This was just one of several conflicts in which Blue Tiger Stripe saw action, fielded by a wide variety of characters. The fall of Yugoslavia and the rest of the Balkan Wars are also interesting, deep, interconnected stories that we encourage you to research more. 

All of our stock is genuine Serbian surplus straight from Belgrade, so theres a chance your new camo could have been there for some of the events you're reading about.

Blue Tiger Stripe RAID Mods are available 01/01/2024!

Extremely limited quantities with a future restock possible but unlikely.

Until next time; stay frosty Troopers!
- @Oper808r

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